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Alberto Chiara
"put your heart always"
I was born in 1983, in Erice, a city overlooking the beautiful sea at the extreme tip of Sicily, considered one of the three most beautiful islands in the world where ancient traditions are still handed down, many of which refer to cuisine. Cradled as a child by the flavors and aromas of this wonderful sea, I had no choice but to become its spokesperson. So I chose to become a chef. It all originates from a dish that my grandmother made, the peperonata.
I remember how much love prepared this dish since childhood. And that is why my passion for cooking was born. As an adult, I decided to learn to cook, following my intuition and being inspired by the traditions that still attach great importance to it. I created many interesting dishes, but I must confess that, despite having had almost success in repeating the peperonata recipe, I ate an infinite number of times prepared by my grandmother, the one that she made was still unrepeatable.
I began to pursue this career, working in different restaurants, opening a personal one and even experimenting with the management of a small and charming hotel where I continued to cook always respecting raw materials and precision to satisfy my clients. Continue studying cuisine and attending restaurants of all levels to keep up to date and learn about new trends while keeping up to date, trying to follow as many traditions as possible.
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